The Court's decision in the USAID lawsuit reveals an institution perilously close to making Donald Trump a king.
Last Thursday, a federal district court judge in Washington, D.C., issued a decision declaring that President Donald Trump broke the law when he fired Gwynne Wilcox, the first Black woman ever to sit ...
Late last week, the Trump White House dropped yet another unconstitutional executive order that threatens whatever remains of the rule of law. But rather than once again targeting one of his old ...
In recent weeks, federal judges across the country have blocked several of President Donald Trump’s more ambitious attempts to treat following the law as optional. Elon Musk, who is leading the ...
Earlier this week, the Supreme Court decided yet another case making it harder to protect the environment, siding with the city of San Francisco in its challenge to limitations on dumping sewage in ...
Last month, the Alabama House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted in favor of a bill that would expand the availability of the death penalty to people convicted of rape of a child under the age of ...
Last June, a New Jersey grand jury returned a blockbuster 111-page indictment of George Norcross III, a state Democratic Party boss allegedly at the center of a vast corruption scheme. He and his ...
In a one-sentence order last month, the Supreme Court declined to review Davis v. Smith, a case about an Ohio man challenging his conviction for attempted murder on the grounds that detectives had ...
This week, The Washington Post published a list of “50 People Shaping Our Society in 2025” that included Texas attorney Jonathan Mitchell, whom it described as “part cultural conservative, part ...
If there’s a silver lining to the first few lawless weeks of Trump 2.0, it’s that new judicial vacancies have been slow to come in. As I noted in the last installment of this column, President Donald ...