Shinichirō Watanabe’s Lazarus hits Adult Swim

Shinichiro Watanabe is one of the most famous anime directors of all time. He is best known for directing Cowboy Bebop and ...
Shinichiro Watanabe’s Lazarus looks incredible and is remniscent of Cowboy Bebop but it seems to be way too serious for ...
Only a few months left until the premiere of what could be the anime of the year, Lazarus, and a brand-new trailer that shows ...
The official website for Lazarus (Lazaro in Japanese), the new original anime for Toonami with Shinichirō Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Space Dandy) and animation studio MAPPA ...
Lazarus, the latest anime from the creator of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, has a release date, and it's pretty soon.
Lazarus tackles a very real issue that doesn't just affect celebrities. Opioid dependency is dangerous for everyone and ...