For­mer head of the To­ba­go Di­vi­sion of the Fire Ser­vice, David Joseph Thomas, says he is elat­ed and hum­bled af­ter be­ing se­lect­ed as the To­ba­go Peo­ple’s Par­ty (TPP) can­di­date for ...
Four days af­ter her home was de­mol­ished, a Ram­jat­tarn Trace, La Hor­quet­ta squat­ter, has threat­ened to take le­gal ac­tion against the State.
Spain on Sun­day night, as steel­pan lovers moved from pan yard to pan yard for the North Zone Panora­ma Pre­lim­i­nar­ies.
A San Juan man, who was la­belled a pri­or­i­ty of­fend­er, was killed by po­lice dur­ing an al­leged con­fronta­tion at his home be­tween Sun­day night and yes­ter­day morn­ing.
The Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) will con­clude its screen­ing of gen­er­al elec­tion nom­i­nees—in­clud­ing Diego Mar­tin ar­eas—next Mon­day, and the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) ...
The Gov­ern­ment must pro­vide more clar­i­ty con­cern­ing the Petro­jam deal with Paria Fu­el Trad­ing Com­pa­ny, the whol­ly state-owned fu­el im­porter.
A Yel­low Lev­el Haz­ardous Seas Alert will be ac­ti­vat­ed from 8 pm on Mon­day (Feb­ru­ary 10) and re­main in ef­fect un­til 6:00 pm on Feb­ru­ary 17, 2025, says an ad­vi­so­ry is­sued by the ...
Ma­jor world lead­ers are meet­ing for an AI sum­mit in Paris, where chal­leng­ing diplo­mat­ic talks are ex­pect­ed as tech ti­tans fight for dom­i­nance in the fast-mov­ing tech­nol­o­gy in­dus­try.
Raphael Govia, T&T men's in­door hock­ey coach, is call­ing for more to be done for the sport lo­cal­ly if they are to make an im­pact on the in­ter­na­tion­al stage.
Ma­yaro MP Rush­ton Paray has crit­i­cised the gov­ern­ment’s han­dling of the evic­tion of squat­ters in Ram­jat­tan Trace, say­ing it lacked ma­tu­ri­ty and hu­man­i­ty.
In April last year, a fi­bre op­tic break caused by a bush fire in To­co brought To­ba­go busi­ness­es to their knees.
Act­ing Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Ju­nior Ben­jamin says the in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to sus­pend­ed Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Er­la Hare­wood-Christo­pher re­mains ac­tive.