The strange and twisted timeline of Zsolt Zsolyomi, from his entry into the U.S., until he was taken into custody 28 months later: ...
A man accused of murdering two elderly and disabled victims in separate killings in Miami and Miami Beach has pleaded not ...
The Hungarian man charged last month with murders in Miami and Miami Beach after overstaying his visa waiver pleaded not guilty to the charges during a brief court hearing Wednesday morning.
An undocumented immigrant accused of murder may be among the first to face the death penalty under one of the state’s newest ...
But the strangulation deaths of the two older men — one on South Beach, the other in Little Havana — could have been avoided ...
Zsolt Zsolyomi, 26, is being held in Miami-Dade County on two charges of second-degree murder for allegedly killing the men ...
A Hungarian national illegally in the U.S. faces second-degree murder charges for strangling two elderly gay men.
Zsólyomi Zsolt attól tartott, hogy partnere beváltja a fenyegetését, és leleplezi, ezért fojtotta meg. Két hónap múlva ...
Az üzeneteket nem sokkal a halála előtt küldte az idős férfi későbbi gyilkosának. Kiderült: a férfi annyira rettegett ...